Have a tip?

We pride ourselves on the constant coverage we provide the citizens of Ashland; but try as we might, sometimes its difficult to get all the information we need.

If you would like to stay anonymous, please check the corresponding box. Please be aware that if you provide a name and contact information, you may be contacted by an officer for additional information about the incident in question. We will NOT keep tippers informed of the status of investigations, and the Ashland Police Department is currently not offering rewards of any kind for information leading to arrests.

How does APD use crime tips?

When we receive a tip we deem credible, there may be enough information to begin an immediate investigation. That being said, tips should be reserved for serious crimes that have a high chance of hurting the community at large.

Here’s a few examples of tips we’d love to hear about:

  • Past suspicious activity you’ve noticed occurring frequently

  • First-hand knowledge of felony crimes & high-level misdemeanors (past, present, or planned)

  • Knowledge of fugitives living in the community

  • Quantifiable information regarding narcotics possession and distribution


If you witness a crime occurring, are the victim of a crime, or if there is an emergency, we ask that you dial 911 immediately for emergency assistance!